Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Massacre of the Miners by T. Neill Anderson - ADVISABLE

Anderson, T. Neill Massacre of the Miners, 128 pgs. Charlesbridge, 2015. $16.95. Language: PG13 (30 swears 0 Fs);  Mature Content: G; Violence: PG13.  

In April of 1914, striking Colorado miners living in a tent city called Ludlow, were harassed and tormented by local law enforcement and a troop of state militia bent on violence.  Striking for better wages, safer conditions and the ability to live and shop outside the Organization, the miners and their families stayed close to the mines.  But when a mine worker goes missing, and the militiamen are convinced he’s been kidnapped by the strikers, a nice spring day erupts into gunfire and eventual torching of the tent city.  Many are killed, including, women, children, even babies.  The Ludlow Massacre was the deadliest labor conflict in American history.  

Part of the Horrors of History series, this novelization of the fateful day is pretty bloody. Anderson doesn’t spare us much on the descriptions of the victims.  Lots of blood and guts, good guys and bad guys. Maybe too violent for elementary, but as a narrative story, it gives the reader a perspective on what these people went through and the bigotry they faced trying to improve the horrible conditions they lived in.  MS - Advisable HS - Optional Lisa Librarian

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