Monday, October 8, 2012

Little Magic Shop of Horrors (Deadtime Stories) by Annette and Gine Cascone –ADVISABLE

Cascone, Annette and Gina Little Magic Shop of Horrors (Deadtime Stories) 192 pgs. Starscape, 2012. $10.98.  (Rating: Violence G, Language G, Sexual G)
Peter and his best friend are determined to do two things, first -find a way out of detention with the creepy janitor and second- win the talent competition. They decide to try a magic act, and with the help of a creepy shop full of supplies, they get together a pretty decent show. Except it flops. When Peter decides to add a trick they hadn't practiced, they steal the show. Except now Bo is really messed up, and not to mention the cat. Can Peter fix everything with magic?
This was fun read. The same bag of tricks apply to the entire series, but I liked the role of the janitor and the kooky grandma in this one.  I think students will find the whole magic show gone wrong thing really appealing.
ELEMENTARY – ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian & Author.

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