Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sadie and Ratz by Sonya Hartnett –NOT RECOMMENDED

Hartnett, Sonya and Illustrated by James, Ann Sadie and Ratz 64 pgs. Candlewick, 2012 (reprint). $10.94.  (Rating: G)
Hannah is a little girl who has named her hands..Sadie and Ratz. They are wild hands, and always want to rub her little brother’s (named Baby Boy) ear’s off. Baby Boy gets away with everything, and Hannah has to send her hands on vacation to help prove that she wasn’t the trouble maker. Unfortunately Baby Boy is now old enough to name his trouble making hands.
I might catch some slack for this, but I would be willing to pay good money to unread this book and unread the illustrations. Is bar none the creepiest book I have read in a LONG time. There is the creepy named hands, (Why, of all things, would they want to rub her brothers ear’s 0ff!geez!!), the dark chalk art, and the horrifying illustrations of Baby Boy, which will haunt my nightmares for a long time. I really don’t care if the plot was creative, I am so creeped that I can’t even cope with it.
Elementary –NOT RECOMMENDED Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary Librarian & Author.

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