Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Floors by Patrick Carman - ESSENTIAL

Carman, Patrick Floors, 272 p. Scholastic, 2011.  $17.  Content: G.  Leo Fillmore lives in the world’s most fabulous hotel.  The Whippet has exotic rooms (some a little scary, some dangerous, some just yummy)and secret floors.  But, Mr. Whippet has disappeared and his mean, angry manager has taken control.  Leo is afraid that she means to sell the hotel, which would put Leo and his janitor father out on their ears.  But then Leo discovers a mysterious box.  If her can follow the clues and solve the puzzles, more than just the answer to a mystery may await him.  I thoroughly enjoyed Carman’s wacky world!  The puzzles were just silly enough, the danger just palpable enough.  SO much fun!  EL, MS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

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