Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Winds of Heaven by Judith Clarke - ADVISABLE

Clarke, Judith The Winds of Heaven, 277 pgs. Henry Holt and Company LLC, 2010. Language- G (0 swears, no "f"); Sexual Content- G; Violence- PG;

Clementine always admired her cousin, Fan, but when she went for a summer visit to see her and her mother at Lake Conapaira, she realized just how much.  Fan was strong, beautiful, and always kind, unlike her unstable and abusive mother. Clementine and her become like sisters, and they promise to stay close for their entire lives, but after Clementine leaves that summer, they hardly ever talk. As they both go through their lives, they start to realize just how much they need each other for strength to face their trials.

I loved this book! It was heartbreakingly sad, but it made me realize how precious our lives are and how much we need people. It was so moving.  I found that it was really haunting and that I couldn't stop thinking about it even after I set it down.  This is one of those books that stays with you no matter what. I would recommend it to readers who are looking for a touching story.  

MS, HS - ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: SE

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